Telfast 120 mg Tablet | Price, Generic, Dosage, and all information

Telfast 120 mg Tablet
Telfast 120 mg Tablet
  • Generic name:  Fexofenadine Hydrochloride
  • Manufacturing Company: Synovia Pharma PLC

Telfast 120 price 

  • Per piece: 10 Tk 
  • Strip: 100 Tk (10 tablets)
  • Box: 500 Tk (5*10 Tablets)


Telfast 120 mg. Tablets are very popular in the treatment of allergies, especially allergic rhinitis and chronic hives. It blocks histamine, which causes allergy symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itching, and rash. Fexotelfast is not metabolized in the liver, so there is usually no liver interaction with other drugs. Telfast 120 mg. Tablets are used to treat two types of allergies, depending on the dosage and dosage. Consult a doctor before use during pregnancy and lactation. 


Telfast 120 | (telfast 120) Alternative

Sl: Alternative Company Price (per piece)
1 Fanadin Renata Limited 9 Tk
2 Fexofast Drug International 9 Tk
3 Axodin Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 7 Tk
4 Fixal Opsonin Pharma Ltd. 9 Tk
5 Fexo Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9 Tk

Indications |  Telfast 120

Telfast 120 is an antihistamine drug used in the treatment of allergies. It helps relieve sneezing, runny nose, eye irritation and swelling, and itchy skin caused by allergies.

Doctors recommend consumption of telfast 120 mg in the following cases:

  • Seasonal allergic rhinitis (common cold)
  • Recurrent allergic rhinitis (colds)
  • Chronic idiopathic urticaria (itching)


There is a type of H1 histamine receptor in our body called Recipetor, which is responsible for allergic reactions. When we are exposed to an allergen, mast cells and basophils in our body break down and release various inflammatory substances, including histamine. The released histamine binds to the H1 receptor and activates it. As a result, basophils and mast cells secrete more pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin. The result of this process: various allergic symptoms, including itching, runny nose, and watery eyes. How does fexofenadine work? Fexofenadine is considered an “inverse agonist” of the H1 receptor. Because, it binds to the inactive state of the H1 receptor and stabilizes it. As a result, the receptor cannot be activated, and subsequent reactions do not occur. Also, it has antidopaminergic, antiserotonergic, and anticholinergic properties. who,  No evidence of adrenergic blocking activity. Fexofenadine is a blood-brain barrier difference and can’t sleep.

Dosage and administration Telfast 120 

Allergic Rhinitis:

  • Adults (≥12 years): 60 mg twice/day or 120 mg once/day
    • In case of decreased renal function: 60 mg once/day
  • 6-11 years: 30 mg twice/day or 60 mg once/day
    • In case of decreased renal function: 30 mg once/day
  • 2-11 years: 30 mg (5 ml suspension) twice/day
    • In case of decreased renal function: 30 mg (5 ml suspension) once/day

Chronic idiopathic urticaria:

  • Adults (≥12 years): 60 mg twice/day or 120 mg once/day
    • In case of decreased renal function: 60 mg once/day
  • 6-11 years: 30 mg twice/day or 60 mg once/day
    • In case of decreased renal function: 30 mg once/day
  • 6 months-2 years: 15 mg (2.5 mL suspension) twice/day
    • In case of decreased renal function: 15 mg (2.5 ml suspension) once/day


Note: Take the medicine as per your doctor’s advice.


Drug interactions

Flexotelfast is not metabolized in the liver, so there are usually no liver interactions with other drugs. However, in some cases, Telfast 120 mg. Taking other medicines together with this may cause some side effects:

Azithromycin or ketoconazole: These two medicines Telfast 120 mg. May increase the amount of absorption in the body.

Antacids: Take Telfast 120 mg antacids in aluminum and magnesium hydroxide gel 15 minutes before taking Fexo. Absorption in the body is reduced. 

So, Telfast 120 mg. Antacids should be taken at least two hours after ingestion.

Warning: Always read the drug label and talk to your doctor before taking the drug.

Side effects

Although telfast 120 (fexofenadine) is generally a safe and well-tolerated drug, it can cause side effects in some cases. These side effects are usually mild and go away on their own, rather than being serious. The most common side effects are headache, drowsiness, dizziness, and nausea. Also, there are some less common side effects, such as extreme Woe tiredness Other rare side effects, such as allergic reactions, mental problems, heart problems, stomach problems, and skin problems, have been observed in post-marketing surveillance. If telfast 120% of consumption If you experience any side effects, inform your doctor. Telfast 120 consume before starting, inform your doctor of your complete health history, as well as whether or not you are taking any medications to do important

Use during pregnancy and lactation 

Pregnancy Consumption: US FDA Telfast 120 mg. Classified as a “C” class drug. This means it may pose some risk to the unborn baby if consumed during pregnancy. The medicine can be consumed as per the doctor’s advice if there is a special need for pregnant women.

Consumption during lactation: Telfast 120 mg. Adequate information is not available on the use of the drug during breastfeeding. Therefore, consult a doctor before consuming during breastfeeding.


Telfast 120 mg. May not be suitable for you in some cases. In particular, if you are allergic to fexotelfast or any other ingredient in the medicine, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have severe kidney problems, it is better to avoid this medicine. 

Effects of overdose

Telfast overdose usually does not cause any serious problems. However, if you do, some mild side effects such as dry mouth, drowsiness, fatigue, and dizziness may be experienced. Studies have shown that healthy people There is no specific tolerable limit for fenadine 120 mg. up to 800 mg once, up to 690 mg twice daily for a month, or up to 240 mg once daily for a year, the consumption However, there are usually no serious side effects. However, if someone, by mistake, overdoses on fenadine 120 mg , then the medicine is not absorbed in the body. Also, depending on the symptoms, medical and psychological help should be sought. But remember, telfast 120 mg is completely removed from the blood by hemodialysis, can’t be done.

Therapeutic classes 

Telfast 120 therapeutic classes are:  Non-sedating antihistamines

Warning Telfast 120 

Telfast 120 mg. -Precautions for patients:

As with other new drugs, there are insufficient data on the use of Fenadine 120 mg in the elderly and in patients with kidney or liver problems. In such patients a doctor must be consulted before taking Telfast 120 mg. Those with heart problems should take 120 mg of Telfast. However, in some cases, an abnormal reaction to the drug may occur. Therefore, observe your body’s reaction before driving or engaging in complex activities. 

Chemical composition 

Chemical signals:  C32H39NO4

Chemical composition:

Telfast 120 mg Tablet
Telfast 120 mg Tablet


Storage Condition 

Store in a cool, dry place away from light and moisture, out of the reach of children.

***Special announcement

We have collected the mentioned information from various sources with caution but they are in no way a substitute for doctors, so consult doctors for any medicine to use. As information is collected from various sources, we cannot guarantee its effectiveness and usefulness. Therefore, we are not responsible for any side effects or side effects after taking the medicine due to the information mentioned above.

  • This information is for general information only and is in no way a substitute for medical advice.
  • telfast 120 Consult your doctor before consuming tablets.


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  4. Telfast 120 mg Tablet | Price, Generic, Dosage, and all information


Questions and answers about Telfast 120 

What is Telfast 120 medicine?

Telfast 120 is an antihistamine medication used to treat allergies. It is a brand name of fexofenadine hydrochloride. It is usually more indicated in the following cases:

  • Allergic rhinitis (runny nose, itching and watery eyes)
  • Chronic idiopathic urticaria (skin rash and itching)

Telfast 120 is available in tablet form and is usually taken once daily. 

How does Telfast 120 work?

Telfast 120 works by blocking the action of histamine. Histamine is a chemical in the body that is responsible for allergies.

How should Telfast 120 be consumed?

Telfast 120 is available in tablet form. Usually, adults take 60 mg twice a day. Or 120 mg once a day. Recommended consumption. Dosage for children depends on their age and weight. So consult your doctor before consuming. 

What are the side effects of Telfast 120?

Common side effects of Telfast 120 are:

  • dizziness
  • tiredness
  • headache
  • nausea

Is Telfast 120 safe to take while pregnant or breastfeeding?

You should consult your doctor before taking Telfast 120 while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Telfast 120 Price in Bangladesh?

Telfast 120 depends on the pharmacy. But usually the price is 10 tk per piece. 

What is Telfast 120?

Telfast 120 is an antihistamine drug, also known as fexofenadine. It is a seasonal allergy, permanent allergy, And covered Used to treat swelling.

How much Telfast 120 should be consumed?

Telfast 120 of consumption the exact dosage depends on your age, health status, and the problem being treated. Always follow your doctor’s instructions.

Telfast 120 when to eat?

Telfast 120 mg usually has no problem with or without food. However, in some cases food may reduce the absorption of the drug, eg Grapefruit Juice, best avoided.

How fast does Telfast 120 work?

Telfast 120 mgto receive.

Telfast 120 how long to eat?

Your doctor will decide how long you should take Telfast 120 mg. Usually, this is until the allergy symptoms are under control.

What happens if you stop eating Telfast 120?

Stopping Telfast 120 usually does not cause any problems. But if the medicine is stopped suddenly, then in some cases of allergy Symptoms may come back Hence, Telfast 120 Sেবন Consult your doctor before discontinuing.

Question: Telfast 120 of consumption Do you need to remember any issues at the time?

  • Telfast 120 mg of consumption Tell the doctor your complete medical history first.
  • Before talking with any other medicine, tell the doctor whether you are doing it or not. This is because Telfast 120 may interact with certain medicines.
  • Telfast 120 is expired medicine the consumption  don’t do
  • Do not take more Telfast 120 mg than directed.




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