Axodin 120 mg Tablet | Price, Generic, Dosage, and all information

Axodin 120 mg
Axodin 120 mg
  • Generic name:  Fexofenadine Hydrochloride
  • Manufacturing Company:  Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Axodin 120 price 

  • Per piece: 7 Tk
  • Strip: 70 Tk (10 tablets)
  • Box: 210 Tk (3*10 Tablets)


axodin 120 mg. Tablets are a popular medicine used in the treatment of allergies. It is particularly effective in allergic rhinitis (hay fever, runny nose, itching, and burning eyes) and chronic rash (chronic idiopathic urticaria). axodin 120 mg. The main ingredient of the tablet is fexofenadine hydrochloride. It inhibits the activity of histamine responsible for allergic reactions in the body; thus, it causes sneezing, runny nose, itching, and helps relieve constipation problems.

Axodin 120 Alternative

Sl:alternativecompanyPrice (per piece)
1FanadinRenata Limited9 tk
2FexofastDrug International9 tk
3telfast 120Synovia Pharma PLC10 tk
4FixalOpsonin Pharma Ltd9 tk
5FexoSquare Pharmaceuticals Ltd.9 tk

Indications |  axodin 120

Axodin 120 mg Tablet is effective in the treatment of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis in adults as well as children aged 12 years and above. It sneezes, causes nose discharge, watery eyes, itching and red eyes, the nose, palate, and throat, and helps relieve various allergy symptoms.  Also, axodin  120 mg is a type of chronic idiopathic urticaria of the skin. It is also used in its treatment. In this disease, swelling and discomfort occur in the body. Consuming Axodin 120 mg significantly reduces swelling and itching. 


Axodin 120 mg. is a specific peripheral H1-receptor antagonist, meaning it acts on certain cells in the body, so it cannot reach the brain. 

It is an antihistamine medicine that helps to relieve allergy symptoms. It is rapidly absorbed after oral intake and reaches peak blood concentration within 2-3 hours. 

Dosage and administration Axodin 120 

Axodin 120 Mr. Gra. Tablets are used to treat two types of allergies, depending on their dosage and dosage:

Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis:

Adults and children 12 years of age and older:


  • 60 mg twice a day or
  • 120 mg once a day or
  • 180 mg once a day

Kidney function SMoss If:

  • 60 mg once a day


Children aged 6 to 11 years:


  • 30 mg twice a day or
  • 60 mg once a day

Kidney function No problem If:

  • 30 mg once a day

Note that: Always consult your doctor for proper dosage and dosage.

Drug interactions

Fexofenadine is basically save to use. However, in some cases, axodin 120 mg consumption may cause interactions with other drugs, such as arithromysin. It is axodin 120 mg together with these drugs. Fexofenadine blood levels may increase by 2 to 3 times.  However, this increased dose results in QT interwał  Studies have shown no aftereffects and no serious side effects.  No interaction between axodin 120 mg and Omeprazole has been found in studies so far. If antacids containing aluminum and magnesium hydroxide are consumed within 15 minutes of taking axodin  120 mg, the absorption of axodin  120 mg into the body may be reduced.  Because fexofenadine binds with this antacid.  Therefore, antacids containing aluminum and magnesium hydroxide should be taken at least two hours after taking axodin 120 mg.

Side effects

Axodin 120 mg is a generally safe and well-tolerated drug. However, in some cases, the following side effects may be experienced:.

Common side effects:

  • headache, fatigue, etc.

Irregularity Side effects:

  • Excessive fatigue

Rare side effects (sometimes seen):

  • Allergic reactions such as angioedema (swelling around the eyes and lips), chest irritation, difficulty breathing, reddening of the skin, allergic reactions
  • Mental problems: thoughts, nightmares, insomnia, or excessive dreams
  • Heart problems: heart palpitations and fast heartbeat
  • diarrhea
  • Skin problems: problems related to rash.

If any of the mentioned side effects go away or you feel uncomfortable, contact your doctor.

These side effects are usually mild and resolve within a few days. However, if any side effects last longer or become more severe, be sure to consult a doctor.

Use during pregnancy and lactation 

Pregnancy: The United States Food and Drug Administration approved axodin  120 mg for pregnant women. Classified as “C”. Consuming it may pose any risk to the unborn baby.  

During breastfeeding: There is not enough information about its use during breastfeeding. Therefore, during pregnancy and lactation, axodin  120 mg. A doctor must be consulted before consumption. 


axodin  120 mg. May not be suitable for you in some cases. Especially if your:  

  • are allergic to fexoxodin or any other component of the medicine, 
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding, 
  • have severe kidney problems, 

Then it is better to avoid this medicine. 

Effects of overdose

People who take too much Axodin have reported feeling dizzy, sleepy, tired, and having a dry mouth. People who were healthy have been given single doses of up to 800 mg, doses of up to 690 mg twice daily for one month, or doses of 240 mg once daily for one year without having any clinically significant side effects compared to a placebo. The highest amount of Axodin that can be safely taken has not been found. Standard steps should be thought about to get rid of any medicine that isn’t taken. It is suggested that you get care for your symptoms and help. Hemodialysis is not a good way to get rid of Axodin from the blood. 

Therapeutic classes 

Axodin 120 therapeutic class is:  non-sedating antihistamines

Warning Axodin 120 

There is not enough information on its effect in elderly people and patients with kidney or liver problems; therefore, axodin  120 mg. Precautions should be taken before consumption.

  • Elderly people should consult a doctor before taking this medicine.
  • If you have kidney or liver problems, heart problems (e.g., palpitations) may increase. 

So, if you have these problems, take axodin  120 mg. Consult a doctor before consumption.

Chemical composition 

Chemical signals:  C32H39NO4

Chemical composition:

Axodin 120mg Tablet
Axodin 120mg Tablet


Storage Conditions 

Store in a cool, dry place away from light and moisture, out of the reach of children.

***Special announcement

We have collected the mentioned information from various sources with caution, but they are in no way a substitute for doctors, so consult doctors for any medicine to use. As information is collected from various sources, we cannot guarantee its effectiveness and usefulness. Therefore, we are not responsible for any side effects or side effects after taking the medicine due to the information mentioned above.

  • This information is for general information only and is in no way a substitute for medical advice.
  • axodin 120 Consult your doctor before consuming tablets.


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Answers to questions about Axodin 120  

Axodin 120: What is it used for?

Axodin 120 is a brand name for fexofenadine hydrochloride, an allergy medicine.

How does axodin 120 work?

Axodin 120 is a second-generation antihistamine that blocks the activity of a chemical called histamine. This histamine is responsible for allergies in our body.

axodin 120 eating rules?

Axodin 120 is available in tablet form. Usually, adults take 60 mg twice a day. Or 120 mg once a day. Recommended consumption. Dosage for children depends on their age and weight. So consult your doctor before consuming. 

What are the side effects of axodin 120?

Answer: Common side effects of axodin  120 are:

  • dizziness
  • tiredness
  • headache
  • nausea

Is it safe to take Axodin 120 while pregnant or breastfeeding?

the answer: US Food and Drug Administration axodin  120 mg for pregnant women. Classified as “C”. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before taking Axodin 120 mg while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Does Axodin 120 mg interact with other medications?

Yes, axodin  120 can interact with some medications, so you should tell your doctor about any medications you are taking.

How much is axodin  120?

Axodin 120 is priced at 7 per piece, 70 leaves per box and 210 rupees per box of 30 packets. 

How long does it take for Axodin 120 to start working?  

Axodin 120 mg of consumption It starts working within one to three hours and usually lasts up to 12 hours.

Is Axodin 120 safe for children? 

Axodin 120 mg Syrup can be used in children aged 2 years and above. However, for axodin 120 in children aged 6 months to 2 years, a doctor must be consulted before consuming this.

If I consume Axodin 120 for a long time, will there be any problems?  

Axodin 120 is usually long-lasting; the consumption is safe to do. However, long-term use may cause some side effects, including headaches, drowsiness, and restlessness. 

Axodin 120: When to Eat?  

Axodin 120 mg, as directed by your doctor. Generally, it can be taken once or twice a day during or after meals.




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