Napa Extra 500 mg + 65 mg Tablet | Beximco Pharmaceuticals

Napa Extra

Napa Extra 500 mg

  • Generic name:  Paracetamol 
  • Manufacturing Company:  Beximco Pharmaceuticals.

Napa Extra Price: 

  • Per piece: 2.50 rupees
  • Strip: 30 taka (12 tablets)
  • Box: 600 taka (20*12 tablets)


Napa Extra A painkiller containing paracetamol and caffeine. It helps reduce pain-inducing substances with the help of chemical messengers. Consult your doctor for when and how much to take under certain circumstances. Napa Extra Can be taken before or after meals but irregular consumption will be less effective. For those with heart, kidney and liver problems Napa Extra May cause complications. Consult your doctor if you are taking other medicines regularly or if you experience any side effects after using it, if a pregnant or lactating donor mother can take it, etc. Consult your doctor. 


Napa Extra Options:

Sl: Name of alternative medicine Manufacturing company Price (per piece)
1 H plus Square Pharmaceuticals Limited 2.26 Tk
2 Tammen Turbo Escayef Pharmaceuticals Limited 3 Tk
3 Reset Plus Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited 2.50 Tk
5 Renova Plus Opsonin Pharma Ltd 2.51 Tk

Indications of Napa Extra 

Napa Extra 500 mg+65 mg is prescribed on the advice of a doctor in the following conditions: 

  • Headaches and migraines 
  • toothache 
  • Nervous pain
  • Pain because of fever
  • sore throat 
  • back pain 
  • a cold 
  • flu pain
  • Menstrual pain  
  • Helps reduce fever temperature 


Napa Extra Formulated with 500 mg+65 mg paracetamol (acetaminophen) plus caffeine. It has antipyretic and analgesic properties. The analgesic action of paracetamol is moderated by caffeine. One of the most popular and safe analgesics and antipyretics is paracetamol. It acts as an analgesic by lowering the pain threshold and as an antipyretic by affecting the thermoregulatory region of the hypothalamus. Alkaloids are similar to theophylline and xanthine. Napa Extra stay in Caffeine increases its solubility and transmembrane area through intermolecular interactions with paracetamol. Caffeine increases the patient’s pain tolerance and pain threshold. Another benefit of caffeine for treating migraines and headaches is its inherent ability to dilate cerebral blood vessels.

Napa Extra Dosage and Administration  

Adult Dosage: 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours. 

Maximum dose: 8 tablets per day. 

Pediatric Dose: It is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

* Always take medicine as per doctor’s advice, do not self-medicate. 

Napa Extra Drug Interactions

Napa Extra Anticonvulsant May decrease serum levels (eg phenytoin, barbiturates, carbamazepine). The anticoagulant effect of warfarin and other coumarins may be increased by overdose. Domperidone absorption is increased with metoclopramide. Probenecid may increase serum levels. Chloramphenicol may increase serum concentrations.

Side Effects

Although hematological reactions such as thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, pancytopenia, neutropenia and agranulocytosis have been described, the side effects of paracetamol are ‌ moderate. Sporadic cases of pancreatitis, skin rash, and other adverse reactions have been observed.

Use of Napa Extra during pregnancy and lactation 

For expectant mothers: Before taking paracetamol and caffeine, a doctor must be consulted.

For breastfeeding mothers: Paracetamol and caffeine can be taken in limited doses while breastfeeding. However, consult your doctor to know the safe dosage and avoid any problems.


In the underwritten case Avoid paracetamol or Napa: 

  • If the kidney is bad/weak.  
  • Liver problems, especially if you have viral hepatitis.  
  • If you are allergic to drugs like paracetamol or caffeine.  

Consult a doctor if necessary. 

Overdose Effect

Paracetamol is an effective medicine but if taken in overdose, it can be very harmful. Initial symptoms usually appear within 24 hours of taking the drug. Nausea, vomiting, indigestion and stomach discomfort may occur. However, more serious problems may occur after 12 to 40 hours. Symptoms of liver damage may appear during this period. In addition, excessive acid accumulation in the body can cause problems such as lowering of blood pH (metabolic acidosis) and abnormal glucose metabolism (abnormalities of glucose metabolism). If any symptoms occur because of paracetamol overdose; It is important to seek medical help quickly.

Napa Extra Therapeutic Class 

Its therapeutic class is: Non-opioid analgesics 

Napa Extra – Warning 

Paracetamol and caffeine should be used with caution in some cases. Eg: Paracetamol and caffeine should be consumed with caution if you have liver or kidney problems. This is because these drugs can put pressure on the liver and kidneys. 

On the other hand, paracetamol should be used with caution in those who are taking any other liver-damaging drugs. Because taking multiple liver-toxic drugs together increases the risk of liver damage. Also, avoid taking paracetamol and caffeine for a long time without doctor’s advice. Always take medicines with your doctor’s advice to know the safe dosage and avoid possible problems.

Chemical composition – Paracetamol 

Signal: C8H9NO2

Chemical composition:

Napa Extra
Napa Extra


Storage Conditions 

Store in a cool, dry place away from light and moisture and out of reach of children.

***Special announcement

We have collected the mentioned information from various sources with caution but they are in no way a substitute for doctors, so consult doctors for any medicine to use. As information is collected from various sources, we cannot guarantee its effectiveness and usefulness. Therefore, we are not responsible for any side effects or adverse effects after taking the medicine due to the information mentioned above.

  • This information is for general information only and is in no way a substitute for medical advice.
  • Consult your doctor before consuming.


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Answers to questions about Napa Extra – FAQ

Rules for eating Napa tablets?

According to the official guidelines given by the doctor, 1/2 tablets can be taken after 4-6 hours, but not more than 4 in a day.

What happens if Napa tablets are taken in excess?

An overdose of Napa Extra can cause pallor, nausea, vomiting, anorexia and stomach discomfort. So take medicine as per doctor’s advice.

How much does Napa Extra cost?

Napa Extra is priced at Tk 2.50 per piece and Tk 30 per sheet of 12 tablets.

What types of medicine is Napa?

According to official guidelines, Napa acts mainly as a pain reliever. Diseases that Napa relieved: 

Helps reduce headache and migraine, toothache, nerve pain, pain because of fever, sore throat, back pain, cold, flu pain, fever.

How many times a day can Napa Extra be taken?

A maximum of 4 tablets can be taken every 4 to 6 hours a day. 

Napa Extra which company drug?

The well-known Napa is a drug manufactured by Beximco Pharmaceuticals. 

Napa what types of drugs?

Napa Tablet is a popular drug like Paracetamol, which is very effective as an antipyretic and pain reliever.

What are the alternative medicines of Napa?

Some popular alternative drugs to Napa are: 

  • H Plus – Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd 
  • Tammen Turbo – Escaife Pharmaceuticals Ltd 
  • Reset Plus – Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited 
  • Fast Plus – Acme Laboratories Limited

What does Napa Extra 500 mg do?

Napa Extra 500 mg works to: 

Relieves pain of mild to moderate intensity, such as headache, toothache, back pain, and joint pain and reduces fever.

What is the function of Napa tablets? 

Napa tablets are paracetamol-like drugs. It is very effective as antipyretic and analgesic medicine.

Is eating napa harmful? 

Napa is a safe and effective antipyretic and pain reliever, but should be taken with caution. Napa can be harmful in excess or in some health problems. Interactions with other drugs are also a risk. Consume Napa safely considering your own health and always consult a doctor. 

How much should napa eat?

To eat Napa safely, you need to know the correct dosage taking into account age and weight.  Adults can take 1/2 tablet as directed every 4-6 hours. Not indicated for children under 12 years of age. Pregnant, lactating, having kidney or liver problems or taking other medicines – caution and doctor’s advice is also mandatory in these cases. Always follow the prescribed dosage and talk to your doctor before taking it for a long time.  



Generic: BF%E0%A6%9F%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%AE%E0%A6%B2



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