Exium MUPS 20 mg. Capsules | Price, Generic, Dosage, and all information

Exium MUPS 20 mg
  • Generic name:  Esomeprazole  
  • Manufacturing Company:  Beacon Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Price Exium MUPS 20 

  • Per piece: 10 Tk
  • Strips: 100 Tk (10 tablets)
  • Box: 500 Tk (5*10 tablets)

Exium Mapus 20 is a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) class drug used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), stomach ulcers, and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZES). It prevents the production of stomach acid, relieving gas problems. It is generally best to take Exium Mapus 1 hour before meals for maximum benefit. There are no serious side effects and very few interactions with other drugs. However, pregnant or lactating women with serious diseases should consult a doctor before consumption.

Exium is an alternative medicine to MUPS 20 

There are several popular alternatives to Exium Mapus 20 from different companies:

SL Alternative Company Price (per piece)
1 Sergel MUPS Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 11 Tk
2 Maxpro MUPS Renata Pharmaceuticals 7 TK
3 Nexium 20 Square Pharmaceuticals 10 TK
4 Esoral 20 Eskayef Bangladesh Ltd. 10 TK
5 Opton Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 7 TK

Indications |  Exium MUPS 20 

Exium MUPS tablet is indicated in:

  • Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
  • Risk reduction in NSAID associated gastric ulcer.
  • H. pylori eradication (Triple therapy).
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome and idiopathic hypersecretion.


The proton pump inhibitor Esomeprazole inhibits gastric acid by blocking the hydrogen-potassium adenosine triphosphatase enzyme system (the proton pump) of the gastric parietal cell. Proton pump inhibitors are effective for short-term treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Esomeprazole is also used in the prevention and treatment of NSAID associated gastric ulcers.

Dosage and Administration |  Exium MUPS 20 

Erosive esophagitis-

  • Adult (≥18 years): 40 mg once daily for 4 weeks.
  • Children & adolescents (12-18 years): 40 mg once daily for 4 weeks.

Maintenance of healing of erosive esophagitis-

  • Adult (≥18 years): 20 mg once daily.
  • Children & adolescents (12-18 years): 20 mg once daily.

Risk reduction in NSAID associated gastric ulcer-

  • Adult (≥18 years): 20 mg once daily for 4-8 weeks.
  1. pylori eradication (Esomeprazole MUPS tablet with 1000 mg Amoxicillin and 500 mg Clarithromycin)-
  • Adult (≥18 years): 20 mg twice daily for 7 days.
  • Children & adolescents (12-18 years): 20 mg twice daily for 7 days.

Zollinger-Ellison syndrome and idiopathic hypersecretion-

  • Adult (≥18 years): 40-80 mg twice daily.


Children 1-11 years:

  • Erosive esophagitis: Weight <20 kg: 10 mg once daily for 8 weeks. Weight ≥20 kg: 10 mg or 20 mg once daily for 8 weeks
  • Maintenance of healing of erosive esophagitis: 10 mg once daily
  • Children below the age of 1 year: Esomeprazole MUPS tablet is not approved for use in children younger than 1 year.

Always remember, this list is only a general guide. Consult your doctor for your correct dose.

Drug interactions

Exium MUPS undergoes significant hepatic metabolism via CYP2C19 and CYP3A4. In vitro and in vivo investigations indicate that Exium MUPS is unlikely to inhibit CYPs 1A2, 2A6, 2C9, 2D6, 2E1, and 3A4. No clinically significant interactions with medicines metabolised by these CYP enzymes are anticipated. Research on drug interactions indicates that Exium MUPS has no clinically relevant interactions with phenytoin, warfarin, quinidine, clarithromycin, or amoxicillin.

Exium MUPS may potentially affect CYP2C19, the primary enzyme responsible for its metabolism. The co-administration of Exium MUPS 30 mg and diazepam, a CYP2C19 substrate, has led to a 45% reduction in the clearance of diazepam. Elevated plasma concentrations of diazepam have been noted 12 hours post-administration and thereafter. Exium MUPS suppresses stomach acid output. Consequently, Exium MUPS may impede the absorption of medications for which gastric pH significantly influences bioavailability (e.g., ketoconazole, iron salts, and digoxin).

The co-administration of oral contraceptives, diazepam, phenytoin, or quinidine appears to have no effect on the pharmacokinetic profile of Exium MUPS.

Combination Therapy with Clarithromycin: The co-administration of Exium MUPS, clarithromycin, and amoxicillin has led to elevated plasma concentrations of Exium MUPS and 14-hydroxyclarithromycin.

Side effects |  Exium MUPS 20 

The most commonly reported side events associated with Exium MUPS are headache, diarrhoea, nausea, flatulence, abdominal pain, constipation, and xerostomia. No differences in the categories of associated adverse events were observed following maintenance treatment up to 12 months compared to short-term treatment.

Important points: If any serious side effects occur, contact your doctor immediately.

Use during pregnancy and lactation 

Caution is strongly recommended by the factory. One does not know whether or not esomeprazole or its metabolites are present in the breast milk of human beings.


Using Exium MUPS with caution is recommended in cases where the patient is suffering from severe liver dysfunction as well as significant renal impairment. It is possible that taking a proton pump inhibitor such as Exium MUPS could result in a modest increase in the risk of fractures to the hip, wrist, and spine, particularly when the medication is taken for a period of time that is longer than one year. 

Overdose effects

Some people experience the following symptoms in case of an overdose:

  • Body performance decreases. 
  • Breathing rate may change .
  • Tremors and uncoordinatedness may occur. 
  • Occasionally, frequent muscle spasms may occur. 

If any effects are severe, seek medical advice immediately. 

Therapeutic classes 

Therapeutic classes are:   Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)

warning |  Exium MUPS 20

Precautions for consumption of Exium Mapus 20: 

  • Exium MUPS 20 should be taken 1 hour before meals.
  • Swallow the tablet with water.
  • Do not chew or crush the tablet.
  • Medicines should be taken at the same time every day. 
  • Tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems and are taking other medications.
  • Consult a doctor before consuming Exium MUPS 20 in pregnant or lactating women.

Chemical Composition 

Chemical signals: C17H19N3O3S

Chemical composition:

Exium MUPS 20 mg.
Exium MUPS 20 mg.


Storage Conditions 

Protect from light and store in a cold and dry location below 25 degrees Celsius. Children should not be able to access this. 

***Special announcement

Although we have carefully gathered the information from various sources, you should not use it as a substitute for medical advice. Always consult a doctor before using any medication. We collect information from various sources, so we cannot guarantee its effectiveness and accuracy. usefulness. Therefore, due to the information mentioned above, we cannot be held responsible for any side effects or adverse effects that may occur after taking the medicine.

  • This information is for general information only and is in no way a substitute for medical advice.
  • Axiom Mapus 20 Before taking tablets, consult your doctor.


Read More:

  1. Axodin 120 mg Tablet | Price, Generic, Dosage, and all information
  2. Fexo 120 mg Tablet | Price, Generic, Dosage, and all information
  3. Fenadin 120 mg Tablet | Price, Generic, Dosage, and all information
  4. Telfast 120 mg Tablet | Price, Generic, Dosage, and all information


Exium MUPS 20 | Axiom Maps 20 – Answers to a series of questions about  

What are MUPS tablets?

Multiple-Unit Pellet System (MUPS) is an acronym. These tablets prepared by compaction of modified release coated multiparticulates or pellets are called MUPS.

What does Exium 20 do?

Exium 20 is a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) medication that reduces excess stomach acid to help prevent various acidity problems.

What is the price of Exium 20? 

Its price usually varies between pharmacies and online, it costs around 10 rupees per piece. 

What are Exium 20’s side effects?

Axiom 20 is generally a safe drug, but in some cases it can cause side effects. It typically results in symptoms such as headache, upset stomach, nausea, diarrhoea, and dizziness. Very few people may experience symptoms such as allergies, fever, fatigue, muscle pain, bone problems, vitamin deficiency, or kidney problems. However, if serious problems such as skin blisters, swelling of the face, difficulty breathing, severe stomach pain, black stools, rapid heartbeat, or fainting occur, contact a doctor immediately.

What is Exium 20 medicine for?

It is an acetylcholine drug that relieves gas problems by reducing excess stomach acid with the help of PPI. 

How does Axiom Maps 20 operate?

Exium Mapus 20 works by blocking an enzyme (proton pump) in the stomach cells. This enzyme is responsible for the production of acid in the stomach. Exium Mapus 20 helps heal ulcers by blocking this enzyme, which does not produce excess acid in the stomach.

Who can eat Exium Mapus 20?

Adults 18 years and older, as well as children 12-18 years old, can use Exium Mapus 20. Children under 1 year old cannot use this medicine.

How to take Exium Mapus 20?

The Exium Mapus 20 tablet is now available. You usually swallow one tablet with water once a day, before meals. Your doctor will prescribe the exact dose and length of time you should take Exium Mapus 20.

Should pregnant or lactating mothers take Exium Mapus 20?

Prior to taking Exium Mapus 20, pregnant or lactating mothers should consult a doctor.



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